Lifestyle #06

Unwanted Children

Ten children, all fostered, died in his arms. One of his own sons died. His other son was born with brittle bones. His days are spent caring for unwanted children. We're about to meet the man who has one of the biggest heart you've ever seen. Our first guest is Mohamed Bzeek, a foster parent who takes in terminally ill children, often caring for them until they die. He was recently given the International Benevolence Award. Also joining us is actress, Adel René, from Showtime’s Twin Peaks. She will share her incredible story of caring for her brother when he was diagnosed with ALS. She's an active volunteer with the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation and the Make a Film Foundation. Free Offer: The Healing Power of Love by Jerry D. Thomas Offer Code: HPOL-P-F-401 Offer Description: Jesus taught people that they had been given precious talents. His own life showed that every moment can influence eternity, that every moment is a treasure to be spent making someone's life better and heaven more real.

Mohamed Bzeek, Adel Rene

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