Our Team
Lifestyle has a long tradition of featuring outstanding guests and timely topics that make every show helpful and thought-provoking. The goal of our hosts is to bring the very best to our viewers with every new season.

Roy Ice
Amazon best-selling author and host of Lifestyle, television’s #1 life coaching series, Roy Ice, has shared strategies for success, purpose, and happiness with celebrities, gold-medal Olympians, and with audiences around most of the Globe.
Ice joined Lifestyle’s team of experts for the 2021 season and helps viewers uncover the principles and proven methods to build their best life possible. He also serves as the key expert in the areas of ATTITUDE & EXISTENCE.
Through various live events such as Lifestyle Live Seminar and The Bible Lab he explores the consistent habits of happy and successful people. For more info click here.

Mike Tucker
Mike Tucker was the host of Lifestyle (previously named Lifestyle Magazine) from 2004 – 2021. He now serves as the key expert for RELATIONSHIPS. He brings professional counseling experience to the show with a specific emphasis in the area of relationships. In addition, he runs a successful marriage ministry, Mad About Marriage, which includes television shows, a marriage blog, and weekend relationships seminars that are taught all around the world. Good Grief and The Choice are the other transformational seminars he provides from his extensive expertise as a counselor. He has authored several books including Mantras For Marriage and Tears To Joy. For more info click here.

Dr. Sharmini Long
Dr. Sharmini Long serves on Lifestyle as the key expert for WELLNESS. Dr. Long is board-certified in three medicine specialties: Endocrinology, Obesity Medicine and Internal Medicine. Her special interests include thyroid, pituitary, adrenal and diabetes disorders, as well as weight management. Sharmini is the Medical Director of Parker Endocrinology located in Parker, CO.
A comprehensive approach to patient care is important to Dr. Long, along with an emphasis on patient empowerment through education. Her patients appreciate her warm personal demeanor and her willingness to listen and we know that Lifestyle fans will feel the same.

Marie Michel
Marie Michel began serving as the key expert for ACTIVITY on Lifestyle in 2022. Although she began her career in film and television, this Oscar nominated actress is passionate about helping people live a healthy and fit life.
Marie has worked as an interviewer for several years, and remains a working actress and fitness trainer. She founded her own Talent Management Company which manages new and aspiring young and fitness talent to climb closer to their dreams.
Previous Hosts

Dan Matthews
Dan Matthews served as executive director for the Faith For Today television ministry and host of Lifestyle Magazine for 19 years, until his retirement in 1999. Today, as Speaker Emeritus, he continues to represent Lifestyle Magazine and Faith For Today throughout the world at speaking appointments, on television programs, and at conferences. In addition, Dan Matthews is an associate Pastor at the Loma Linda University Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Gayle Tucker
On April 10, 2016, late in the afternoon, Gayle Tucker passed away peacefully at home surrounded by her family.
Gayle joined Faith For Today in 2004 and worked to connect the ministry to local congregations through innovative programming and live seminars. In 2007, she began co-hosting Lifestyle Magazine, and in 2009 she joined the Faith For Today television team full-time as Associate Speaker for the ministry.
Although Gayle was a partner in ministry as Mike’s wife, she was a minister in her own right. She worked as an Associate Pastor at the Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church in Arlington, Texas for 16 years. She served as the Pastor of Administration, Music, and Worship, with focus areas in Children’s and Women’s Ministries. Gayle was the first woman to become a Credentialed Commissioned Minister in the Southwestern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Prior to pastoring in Arlington, Texas, she spent multiple years as a schoolteacher.
Gayle’s background in Elementary Education was influential in making family relationships an emphasis in her ministry. Gayle and Mike have traveled North America as co-presenters for From This Day Forward and Love For A Lifetime marriage conferences, and co-created Mad About Marriage, a seminar project that includes: a television series, marriage seminars, and small group curriculums.
She was also co-author of the books: Mad About Marriage, Mantras for Marriage, and Marriage Moments.
Members of the Faith For Today team remember her as a gracious, fun, gentle and wise leader. She was often referred to as the “glue” that made everything work well together. Her passion for family, her mentorship role in ministry, her love for Christ and her devotion to Mike has made an impact upon this world that cannot be measured. Her legacy of love and ministry will shine on in all who knew her. We celebrate Gayle’s life and look forward to seeing her again when Jesus returns to take us to the earth made new.