Lifestyle #25

Treasure Overflowing

Inspirational artist MARi Burelle has overcome a lot in her life – an abusive past along with serious health issues. But through the darkness, she found the light.  She’s here to share her journey, the touchstones that helped her shift her life situations and the hope and positive messages that infuse her music, including her latest release, “Treasure”. Free Offer: The National Domestic Violence Hotline Awareness Brochure Offer Code: TNDVH-T-F-401   Offer Description:  “Can an abusive partner change?”

Lifestyle #19

Faith In Times Of Struggle

Sergio and Sandra Amaral have two sons. Ten years ago, when their older son Gabriel was 19 he had a brain hemorrhage due to a rare disease called Artery Vein Malformation (AVM). Tragedy often brings couples closer or tears them apart. They share their journey through this tragedy, how they were imp acted by their trust in God, and how their choice to work together for Gabriel has made their marriage stronger.   Free Offer: “Responding to Life’s Challenges with Resilience and Strength” Offer Code: LIFE-T-F-401   Offer Description: Resilience doesn’t simply mean “bouncing back” from a trauma, loss, or disaster. It also means being proactive whenever possible and planning for or preventing such circumstances. CareNotes author Mary Kendrick Moore helps readers call upon the strengths and abilitie s needed to respond helpfully and hopefully to life’s challenges in sections titled: “Acknowledge your loss and fear,” “Believe in your ability to foster resilience,” “Exercise your brain,” and “Find support among those you trust.”

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