Very few people like to feel vulnerable (capable of being emotionally wounded) or ask for help (feeling weak or incapable). But we all have limitations. And besides, there’s not a person on the planet who knows everything there is to know, right? So why should we ever feel weak, helpless or vulnerable when asking for help?

The simple fact is that asking for help reduces anxiety and stress. Period. So, when you think about it, asking for help might be one of the bravest things you can do.

Here are a few tips to encourage you to ask for help when you need it so that your life can have less anxiety and stress.

Acknowledge the truth: Everyone Needs and Deserves Help

We all need and deserve help at times. It’s a part of life. And if anyone says otherwise, well, they’re wrong (and need help!).

Not only do we need help, we deserve it too. No, we don’t deserve other people to live our lives or to take care of our responsibilities.

But if you’re facing a challenge or struggling with a situation, find someone, or an organization, that can help and ask before things get worse.

Each of us is at a different stage in life. And many of us have traveled further down the road of life than others because of age and experience. The great thing about humans is that most of us are willing to help each other – to share what we’ve learned so life can be a little easier for others! But how can we help if we don’t know and are not asked?

People would rather help you and see you succeed than to sit by and do nothing while watching you fail.

Have An Idea of What You Need

What part of your life do you need help with? Financial? Relational? Health? Spiritual? Emotions? It could be anything from learning how to buy a car or a house to healing an important relationship.

Knowing the kind of help you need, will steer you to the right people.

Be as Clear as Possible

According to Alice Boyes of, “When asking for help, make sure the person knows exactly what you want. For example, if you want your spouse to show you what to do, rather than just tell you, make sure you ask for that.”

But this just doesn’t work at home or in your personal like, it applies to work, too. Sure, work can be tough sometimes. And although there might be rare situations where a boss doesn’t want an employee to succeed, most organizations are filled with good people who understand that a healthy, supportive team is essential to success.

So, if you need help at work, please consider asking. Your boss and colleagues want you to succeed because it strengthens the team! When you do better, they do better!

Always try to be clear and specific both in your personal and professional life to receive the kind of help you need and deserve.

Be a Resource for Someone Else

Offering help is one of the best ways to not only make the world a better place but to also rise above your challenges. It’s almost as if miracles start happening all around you when you offer help and invest in others. So, strive to make time to help other people. It doesn’t even have to be anything big. Just have a compassionate heart for others, even if it’s filling grocery bags with food for hungry families.

Everyone needs and deserves help. It’s a fact of life. So ask for help when you need it, and be quick to offer it when asked or when you notice an opportunity to make a difference.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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