Brain Secrets: Part 3 Inattentional Blindness- the problem and the cure!

Discover how male and female brains differ and how both have blind spots. All of us experience inattentional blindness in our lives and can really only concentrate on one thing at a time regardless of what we might think. Discover the secret of being the best we can be within the limits of how our brains process. The more we experience throughout our lives, the more we will actually start to see... Join Roy Ice as he interviews Dr. Arlene Taylor, brain specialist. Arlene R. Taylor, PhD, is a writer, speaker, and brain function specialist. Current research makes it clear that everything starts in the brain and that knowing how to use yours by design is key to staying healthier and younger for longer. An internationally known writer and speaker, Dr. Taylor incorporates brain-function information in her books, weekday blogs, audio podcasts, YouTube videos, in-person presentations, and her talk show: Brain Secrets. The information she shares, when practically applied, can help you to be more successful-by design.

Dr. Arlene Taylor

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