
Understanding Autism

1 in 68 children has an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). ASD is a group of conditions known to cause social, communication, and behavioral challenges. They include autism – which is the most common, Asperger’s syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorder (PDD). Early Symptoms Autism appears in early childhood. Symptoms typically include: Communication problems such as speech…

Lifestyle #2715

Keeping Your Marriage Strong

Mark Masri is an internationally known singer.  Mark and Angela Masri have been married since 1998 and have one son together.  Mark talks about how he balances his home/family schedule with his career on the road. He encourages all men to put their family over their career as career accolades will come and go but the deposits that we make into our families last a lifetime. Those are the investments that carry us when all the fame, fortune and successes are gone.   Free Offer: Marriage Moments by Mike & Gayle Tucker     Offer Code: MOMENT-P-F-401   Offer Description: Mike and Gayle Tucker offer realistic and down-to-earth insight into what makes a great relationship.  The book addresses sensitive issues such as forgiveness, jealousy, financial difficulties, anger, communication, illness, addiction, extramarital affairs, and much more.

Lifestyle #2506


That child playing alone in the corner of the classroom might be shy, might be a loner, or he could have a condition known as autism that can create hypersensitivity to sound, smells, and visual stimulation that simply overwhelms the child. On our show today, Edward Asner and his son, Matt, help us understand autism. Free Offer: NIMH pamphlet “Autism Spectrum Disorder” Offer Description: The National Institute of Mental Health brochure informs parents and adults on the range of symptoms of autism spectrum disorders (ASD), including social impairment, communications issues, and repetitive behaviors. Discusses diagnosis and treatment of ASD, as well as possible related co-occurring mental disorders. Offer Code: AUTISM-T-F-401

Lifestyle #2340

Deadly Emotions

On today’s Mad About Marriage Dr. Caroline Leaf; a communication pathologist, audiologist, and cognitive neuroscientist; shares the scientific evidence that men and women are built differently to complement each other. She is the author of Who Switched Off Your Brain? and Who Switched Off My Brain?.

Lifestyle #2214

How to Improve Your Marriage without Talking about it

We’ve often heard that communication is the key to a healthy marriage. But what about people who just don’t talk; either they don’t like to talk or they feel they don’t have the right words when they do talk. On this Mad About Marriage episode Steven Stosny, Ph.D. tells us that there is hope for the non-talkers. You CAN improve your marriage without talking.

Lifestyle #2215

A New Husband or Kid by Friday

Author of Have a New Husband by Friday, Dr. Kevin Leman shows women how making a few changes in attitude, behavior, and communication style can revolutionize their relationships and bring out the very best in their husbands and children. Special cooking segment: Vegetarian cookbook author and instructor Debi Pedersen cooks with Mike and Gayle.

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