Lifestyle #19

Conflict Resolution with Nolan Higdon and Mickey Huff

In today’s increasingly polarized world any disagreement can so easily be interpreted as a personal attack and our ability to communicate has all but vanished. Today’s guests, Nolan Higdon and Mickey Huff are going to help us find ways to bring some peace to these negative personal encounters with their book, Let’s Agree to Disagree.

Lifestyle #10

Living with Psoriasis and Eczema with Dr. Gene Rubinstein

Today’s guest is Dr. Gene Rubinstein, dermatologist and researcher, who has written numerous articles for medical journals and a mentor of other physicians on laser, filler, and other cosmetic procedures in dermatology. He is currently a clinical instructor at UCLA. He will share how the two diseases, eczema and psoriasis are very different and treatments that we’ve never had before to attack these diseases. He is joined by his patient, Paula Elder, and actor model, Dustin Scheetz, who share their journeys with psoriasis and eczema and how their conditions led to insecurities and self-consciousness.

Lifestyle #08

Breaking the Mold with Alfred Hsing

Have you ever had an audacious life goal? And did other people think your dream was crazy? Well, today’s guest took a non-traditional path to follow his dream that he chose. He is the first American in Wushu martial arts history to win a gold medal at the 2009 World Wushu Championships. Some of his most recent work includes the seven-time Academy-award-winning film, Everything Everywhere All at Once. Our guest today is martial artist, actor, and stunt man Alfred Hsing.

Lifestyle #07

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery with Cynthia Eddings

Do you have a friend, family member, or significant other who never takes accountability for their actions? Do they go so far as to blame you for their own bad behavior? Well, you may be dealing with a narcissist. We throw the term around casually, but narcissism is a very real condition that can lead to serious abuse. Joining us today is licensed marriage and family therapist, Cynthia Eddings, as we shed light on the epidemic that is narcissistic abuse and the trauma it inflicts.

Lifestyle #06

More Than Capable with Danny and Lynn Jordan

Do you remember the last time you were given bad news? Today’s guest, Danny Jordan, an established TV producer, after discovering that his daughter would be born with a limb difference, was inspired to write The Capables, a children’s book about a group of kid superheroes, each with a disability whose powers are activated through empowerment. He is joined by his wife, Lynn Jordan, and they’ll share what happened the day they learned that their baby girl would be born with a limb difference.

Lifestyle #05

Living with Bipolar Disorder with Maurice Benard and Dr. Gary Small

Are you tired of letting all the negativity around you affect your positivity? Maurice Benard knows all about how to reframe the bad into the good, your favorite bad boy, multiple daytime Emmy and Soap Opera Digest Award winner known for his role as Sonny Corinthos on General Hospital. We’re also joined by Behavioral Health Physician in Chief, Dr. Gary Small, to discuss what it’s like living with bipolar disorder.

Lifestyle #04

Journey to Recovery with Tarzana Treatment Center

How many of you have ever felt like you’ve lost control over your lives? Did you have help or were you on your own? Well, today’s guests play integral roles with the Tarzana Treatment Centers treating substance use disorders, addictive disorders, treat mental health, and provide medical services. Joining us today are Program Counselors, Kris Lee, and Ceasar Corona, and Clinical Director Dr. Ken Bachrach to help you change your life if you’re struggling with addictions or mental illness, and have a life again.

Lifestyle #03

From Discrimination to Wonder Years with Richard Gant

Have you ever found yourself in a toxic environment? Sometimes it’s difficult to escape the negativity that constantly surrounds us, but today’s guest is here to tell us how he’s learned to rise above negative environments in order to bring good into the world. From his roles as Don King-esque George Washington Duke in Rocky V, Owen Sr. in Men of a Certain Age, and Granddaddy Clisby in the remake of The Wonder Years, he is one of the most recognizable faces in the business. Sharing his story today is actor, writer, producer, and author, Richard Gant.

Lifestyle #01

Boldly Go with William Shatner

Do you wish you were more bold and capable of doing things you’ve never done before? Our guest today has not only boldly gone to countless places around the world, but is also the oldest man to go to space. Join us with your favorite captain of the starship Enterprise, the legendary William Shatner and get ready to go boldly where you’ve never gone before into the rich destiny that you’ve always known is yours to live.

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