March 24, 2022
Why Is Losing Weight So Hard After 50?
Do you find that losing weight is more challenging as you get older, especially after 50?
Then you’re not alone. It’s frustrating and discouraging to see less than desirable results on the scale after so much hard work and effort. Luckily, you can do a few things to move the needle in the desired direction.
But First, Why Is Losing Weight So Hard After 50?
There are a couple of things working against you. First, the typical post-50 lifestyle is slower. Most people aren’t as active as in younger years; they’re more sedentary. And their social life is slower, too; they’re not constantly chasing after kids or joining friends for jogs in the park. Life is much less active.
Second, we experience metabolic changes after turning 50, resulting in less energy and weight gain.
Can You Turn Things Around?
Just because the circumstances in your life have slowed doesn’t mean you have to too. Don’t wait around for friends to invite you to join them in doing something active. Invite them for a walk or jog or to the gym. Take the lead. Set the pace. Enjoy physical activity and social connection with people you enjoy all simultaneously.
And if you haven’t already, it’s time to revamp your diet. Switch to healthier food choices. Monitoring and reducing your sugar intake is a great starting place.
It was easier to burn calories when you were younger, but it’s probably not as easy anymore. It takes more activity to burn calories now because of slower metabolism. So, make it easier on yourself by following a healthier diet.
Also, if you know you’re not the type of person who will engage in physical activity, you will have to cut back on your calories by reducing your portion sizes to avoid gaining weight.
Shift From Cardio To Strength Training
So we’ve already mentioned how important it is to stay active and eat better as you get older, especially after turning 50. But one of the most effective things you can do is add strength training to your routine.
Strength training produces many benefits that become increasingly more important as we age.
For instance, we lose lean muscle mass and bone strength as we age, which causes injury, falls, and a loss of functional independence. Strength training protects lean muscle mass and strengthens the bones, resulting in fewer injuries and greater independence.
Does that mean you have to ditch cardio? Not at all. Just be sure to add strength training to your routine at least a couple of days a week.
According to an article on Healthline, strength training also helps boost your metabolism because muscle burns more calories than fat. Your metabolism burns fewer calories for every pound of muscle you lose as you age, leading to weight gain, a bigger waist, and flabby arms.
Adding strength training to your routine not only protects and builds lean muscle mass, builds stronger bones, and revs up the metabolism, it boosts energy, too (and, according to research, brightens mood).
The truth is that losing weight after you turn 50 can be a challenge, but the situation isn’t hopeless. Although your metabolism slows and life tends to become more sedentary, it doesn’t mean you’re fighting a losing battle against staying trim and healthy. So, don’t give up.
You can combat the situation by staying socially active, watching your portions and calories (especially sugar), and staying active with a focus on strength training.
These action steps aren’t profound. They’re pretty simple and doable by most everyone. And not only will you feel better, but you will look and feel much younger than the mileage on the odometer as you enter this exciting new phase of your life.