When was the last time you cleaned your fridge and threw out all of the old, or questionable, food? If you’re like most people, it’s probably been a while. Deep cleaning the refrigerator is a task most people dread, which is why many of us don’t do it as often as we should. The average…

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55% of Americans over the age of 50 have osteoporosis or low bone mass. That’s more than 40 million people! Osteoporosis is a condition that makes bones brittle, greatly increasing the risk of fractures. It is, therefore, no surprise that about 75% of hip, spine and forearm fractures occur in older adults, especially post-menopausal women….

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The only thing worse than being in pain is being told that “it’s all in your head.” Sadly, people who suffer from chronic pain are often surrounded by family, friends and physicians who don’t believe they’re in pain. Since pain is invisible, it’s quite common for these people to appear “normal” even when in pain….

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According to the American Academy of Dermatology, acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting fifty million people. If you have acne, you probably get your share of unsolicited advice about how to take care of your troubled skin. You’ve heard it all from “don’t eat fatty foods” to “exfoliate daily…

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  Modern life is extremely demanding. More people that ever before are being stressed beyond their limits. We are working exceptionally long hours and putting extreme pressure on ourselves to succeed in all areas of our lives. Between work and family, there’s very little time left for self-care; and many of us are so physically…

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There’s so much confusion surrounding dietary cholesterol. Some people believe it’s harmful and should be avoided at all costs, while others believe it’s totally fine. Cholesterol is essential for good health. The liver actually produces cholesterol, which aids in the production of essential hormones, bile and vitamin D. So, why does cholesterol get such a…

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Millions of people suffer from chronic back pain. In fact, it’s the leading cause of disability among young Americans. Back pain doesn’t just happen; it’s usually triggered by certain things such as lifting heavy items, poor posture, extra weight, smoking, bad diet and fatigue. Overworking Your Back Muscles Why does your back hurt after a…

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When you awaken in the middle of the night with a throbbing headache, what’s the first thing you do if your preferred pain reliever doesn’t work? Do you reach for your phone or computer and start researching symptoms online to figure out what might be wrong? That’s what most people do. Eight in ten Americans…

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As far as body parts go, ears don’t require too much cleaning. As long as you wash them when you are taking a shower and gently clean the canal with a washcloth to get rid of the excess wax, you should be fine. Remember the old saying that you shouldn’t put anything smaller than your…

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The results are in! Grateful people eat healthier, sleep better and take better care of themselves. They are mentally and physically healthier. You’re probably wondering what gratitude has to do with your physical health. Well, it turns out that being grateful about the little things helps you make better decisions for your health. You are…

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What would you give to wake up feeling energetic, well rested and ready to conquer the world every single day? It goes without saying that your morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. The more productive your morning, the likelier you will have a more productive rest of the day. Studies by…

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You’ve probably come across a detox program or two in your pursuit of better health. These programs are based on the idea that your body is constantly accumulating toxins and needs a “spring cleaning” every now and then. These programs usually involve a combination of fasting, juicing, eating selected foods, taking supplements and enemas. The…

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