Lifestyle #27

Ultimate Loss

Terry Caffey from Across America Ministries discusses how he lost his wife and kids through a violent homicide, and how God brought him out of that darkness to a place of salvation and healing.

Lifestyle #30

A New You By Friday

Psychologist Dr. Kevin Leman walks readers through their own personal five-day action plan to change their lives by concentrating on becoming who they really want to be.

Lifestyle #40

When Perfect Isn’t Enough

Striving for perfection may be an all too familiar topic for women and men alike. Author and humorist Nancy Kennedy shares her thoughts on making peace with imperfection by recognizing God’s love for us as we are. Kennedy discusses how the perfect woman, such as the Proverbs 31 woman, does not exist.

Lifestyle #02

Ruta Lee Interviews Rip Taylor and Robert David Hall

Ruta Lee sits down with Rip Taylor to talk about the abuse he suffered as a child and how he overcame it through the years to become one of America’s beloved comedians. Robert David Hall of CSI stops by Ruta’s to talk about the horrible accident where he lost part of both legs but has still managed to have a successful career on one of the hottest shows on television and also pursue his musical dreams, releasing an album of original music.

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