Lifestyle #02

Jaclyn Smith

Our guest today, Jaclyn Smith, was made famous by her role in the iconic 1970s television series, Charlie’s Angeles. Not only has she been one of the most successful actresses in the history of television, she was one of the first women to build a business empire, and she’s done it all while raising a family. Free Offer: CareNotes pamphlet “Gaining the Strength to Deal With Breast Cancer” Offer Code: BREAST-T-F-401 Offer Description: Image result for gaining the strength to deal with breast cancer-CareNotes

Lifestyle #27


Our topic today is rather serious. There is no other force on the planet that is as devastating as war. And of its victims, none are more seriously affected than the children.  Our guest today, Kim Phuc, understands this first-hand. She is the subject of an iconic photograph that is found on the cover of the book that she has just released entitled Fire Road: The Napalm Girl’s Journey through the Horrors of War to Faith, Forgiveness, and Peace.   Free Offer: Touch Points pamphlet Forgiveness-Power to Begin Again Offer Code: FPTBA-T-F-401 Offer Description:  Unable to accept or give forgiveness for things in life is a very common problem people have. It contributes to anger, mental and physical pain, guilt, and though the answer is a simple one, it isn’t often put into practice. In this tract, Larry Yeagley explains, from his experiences as a chaplain, how to get people to respond and experience forgiveness with others and with God. Accepting forgiveness and giving it are vital to mental freedom.

Lifestyle #25

Treasure Overflowing

Inspirational artist MARi Burelle has overcome a lot in her life – an abusive past along with serious health issues. But through the darkness, she found the light.  She’s here to share her journey, the touchstones that helped her shift her life situations and the hope and positive messages that infuse her music, including her latest release, “Treasure”. Free Offer: The National Domestic Violence Hotline Awareness Brochure Offer Code: TNDVH-T-F-401   Offer Description:  “Can an abusive partner change?”

Lifestyle #19

Faith In Times Of Struggle

Sergio and Sandra Amaral have two sons. Ten years ago, when their older son Gabriel was 19 he had a brain hemorrhage due to a rare disease called Artery Vein Malformation (AVM). Tragedy often brings couples closer or tears them apart. They share their journey through this tragedy, how they were imp acted by their trust in God, and how their choice to work together for Gabriel has made their marriage stronger.   Free Offer: “Responding to Life’s Challenges with Resilience and Strength” Offer Code: LIFE-T-F-401   Offer Description: Resilience doesn’t simply mean “bouncing back” from a trauma, loss, or disaster. It also means being proactive whenever possible and planning for or preventing such circumstances. CareNotes author Mary Kendrick Moore helps readers call upon the strengths and abilitie s needed to respond helpfully and hopefully to life’s challenges in sections titled: “Acknowledge your loss and fear,” “Believe in your ability to foster resilience,” “Exercise your brain,” and “Find support among those you trust.”

Lifestyle #18

Drug Addiction

Our guest, Pastor Mathew Feeley, shares his story with drug and alcohol addiction and how his life was totally transformed after the wake up call that changed his life.   Free Offer: CareNotes pamphlet “Getting Help With an Addiction”   Offer Code: NEWEPI-T-F-401     Offer Description: This CareNote is written for those who have reached a moment of crisis or decision—someone who is ready to face an addiction and seek help but is not sure how to proceed, or what to expect. This CareNote will provide helpful guidance and encourag ement to individuals and their loved ones in the journey toward recovery. “Know that there is great reason for hope,” asserts the author. Tackling an addiction can be “the best of times”—because it marks the first step toward freedom and is, many say, the most difficult, the most courageous, and the wisest thing they’ve ever done.

Lifestyle #10

Human Trafficking: The Take Down

In the past three years of existence, Operation Underground Railroad has rescued over 650 victims and assisted in the arrests of more than 275 traffickers around the world.  Founder and CEO, Timothy Ballard; and Director of Aftercare, Jessica Mass are here to share the unique rescue operations that are liberating these children from the sex trade.

Lifestyle #17

Happiness Over A Lifetime

What creates happiness over a lifetime? Does it change throughout? Our guest today, Harvard psychiatrist George Vaillant and author of Triumphs of Experience: The Men of the Harvard Grant Study, has answers to those questions and more. Free Offer: “Joy-The Secret of Being Content” Offer Code: JOY-T-F-401 Offer Description: Find out what real joy is in the Touch Points pamphlet, “Joy-The Secret of Being Content.”

Lifestyle #08

Life Without Limits

Today’s show will make you think differently about what you can accomplish and we know you’ll be inspired by the time it’s over. A life without limits, seems easier said than done to live that way, right? But not so for our guest today, Nick Vujicic, bestselling author of Life Without Limits: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life. More Information:  Additional resources available – Books: Love Without Limits, Raising The Perfectly Imperfect Child, Stand Strong, Life Without Limits   Free Offer: CareNotes pamphlet “Responding to Life’s Challenges with Resilience and Strength” Offer Code: LIFE-T-F-401 Offer Description: Resilience doesn’t simply mean “bouncing back” from a trauma, loss, or disaster. It also means being proactive whenever possible and planning for or preventing such circumstances. CareNotes author Mary Kendrick Moore helps readers call upon the strengths and abilities needed to respond helpfully and hopefully to life’s challenges in sections titled: “Acknowledge your loss and fear,” “Believe in your ability to foster resilience,” “Exercise your brain,” and “Find support among those you trust.” (

Lifestyle #12

Life Choices with Deniece Williams

Wouldn’’t it be great if every choice in our life could be easy? Our guest today, R&B/pop/gospel singer Deniece Williams, has made quite a few choices in her life over the years. She has always marched to the beat of her own drum and it’’s paid off for her with hit songs, four Grammy Awards and a life with few regrets. She’’s here with us to share how she’’s done it over the years.

Lifestyle #03

Discovering Joy

Imagine having everything you ever dreamed of, yet feeling so alone, so lost, so desperate for connection, that you were willing to take your own life. Our guest today was right there, willing to take that last step. Join us to find out what stopped Jason Davis as he shares from his book, Your Love Pursues: A Memoir.

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