
Motivation Brew

What comes first, motivation and then action, or action and then motivation?  And what is motivation, anyway? Here’s one definition, “The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.” Motivation is the driving force behind our actions.  Motivation is that powerful, internal force that drives you to live your life in a…


5 Ways To Measure True Success

John Foster Dulles said, “The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it’s the same problem you had last year.” How often do we find ourselves facing the same problems over and over again? Or repeating the same New Year’s resolutions year after year? Does that…


How To Overcome Self-Defeating Habits & Be Happy

Self-defeating habits are thoughts and behaviors that keep us from unlocking our best life. They keep us stuck and frustrated and eventually flood our lives with regret. It’s tricky. After all, we might not even know we’re doing them because we do them automatically without thinking. We feel the effects because they affect our dreams,…


5 Ways To Build Your Child’s Self-Worth

What good parent doesn’t want their kids to be happy and successful? But how do we do that, exactly? We compliment and affirm, support them, tell them to chase their dreams, and teach them to live for something bigger than themselves. What else can we do? According to experts, we should teach them how to be…

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