Lifestyle #2410

Medical Weight Loss

Gastric bypass and laparoscopic surgeries are becoming more common to help people lose large amounts of weight. Bariatric surgeon Dr. Joshua Long joins us from the Bariatric and Metabolic Center of Colorado to take the mystery out of these procedures in this episode. Also joining us is a Los Angeles-based medical weight loss patient, Veronica Phillips.

Lifestyle #01

Sports, The Unhealthy Side with Stephen A. Smith

Professional sports offer the ultimate display of fitness and athletic ability. On this episode, we’ll take a look at the unhealthy side of sports. Our guest has a ringside seat to watch most of the action both on and off the field. We’re talking to ESPN’s sports analyst and one of America’s favorite sports commentators, Stephen A. Smith, as well as sports medicine specialist, Dr. Andrew Blecher.

Lifestyle #02

Fit Over 40 with Morris Chestnut

Our guest, family man and talented actor Morris Chestnut, got some big buzz for the shape he was in for his role of football player Lance Sullivan in the movie The Best Man Holiday. He’s here to talk about how to stay fit after 40.

Lifestyle #03

Create Option C with Lourdes Colon & Esai Morales

Our special guest, Lourdes Colon, is a talented actress who was diagnosed with cancer. She’s a fighter and a crusader, and her experience will inspire you to consider all the options when faced with your own health challenges. Esai Morales of Criminal Minds will also be joining us to discuss his joint project with Lourdes Colon.

Lifestyle #04

Dealing With Diabetes – Interview with Sierra Sandison + recipes from Chef AJ

She’s beautiful, and to look at her, you wouldn’t know that she lives with a serious medical condition. She just won the Miss Idaho pageant and made headlines around the nation for wearing her insulin pump during the competition, becoming a hero to many. On today’s show, we welcome Sierra Sandison. Also joining us is Chef AJ, a plant-based chef, with some delicious dessert recipes made with all natural ingredients.

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