Lifestyle #09

Full Plate Diet

You can fill your plate and still lose weight! One of the Full Plate Diet’s creators, Dr. Diana Fleming, is back with us to share more information about this exciting approach to getting into shape and staying fit.

Lifestyle #13

Ready to Win Over Depression

Depression strikes more than 35 million people in the United States every year. It can be triggered by loss, trauma, abuse, neglect, divorce, addiction. It can seem overwhelming. But there is a way to beat it, and author Dr. Thelma Wells shares how.

Lifestyle #17

Guide to Optimum Health (Forks Over Knives)

It’s really very simple to get healthy and to stay that way, according to Dr. Alona Pulde and Dr. Matthew Lederman. They’re the authors of Keep It Simple, Keep It Whole: Your Guide to Optimum Health. Dr. John McDougall joins the discussion.

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