Lifestyle #63

When Your Spouse Doesn’t Believe

How can you manage to make a marriage work when one spouse is a believer and the other is not? Or when one partner is more religious than another? Author Nancy Kennedy walks through this relationship hurdle, offering tips on how to alleviate the stress in this area.

Lifestyle #43

Commitment & Happily Ever After

Willie and Elaine Oliver, directors of the Department of Family Ministries at the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Silver Spring, MD, join hosts Mike and Gayle Tucker on this episode of Mad About Marriage. The Olivers help define marriage commitment, discuss the challenges of marriage, and share their understanding of living happily ever after.

Lifestyle #24

Ten Relationship Myths

In this Mad About Marriage episode, marriage and family therapist Dr. Linda Mintle dispels relationship myths that can hinder one’s marriage. She is the author of I Married You, Not Your Family, and Nine Other Relationship Myths That Can Ruin Your Marriage.

Lifestyle #31

This Isn’t the Life I Signed Up For

In her signature honest and transparent style, author Donna Partow joins us to offer encouragement and help for women who “signed up for” a great marriage, lifelong friendships, and vibrant health, but now find themselves in a life they didn’t sign up for.

Lifestyle #34

How We Love

Marriage and family counselors Milan and Kay Yerkovich share the various styles of love and why our relationships with our spouses and kids are the way they are. This show was awarded a Silver Remi Award at the Worldfest-Houston International Film & Video Festival in 2013.

Lifestyle #39

Building A Love That Lasts

On this Mad About Marriage episode, authors Dr. Charles Schmitz and Dr. Elizabeth Schmitz shed light on how to make a marriage successful and long-lasting. The Schmitz discuss their most recent book, Building A Love That Lasts, with hosts Mike and Gayle Tucker.

Lifestyle #06

Why Women Leave Men

Marriages are ending at an alarming rate and now, more than ever, it’s the woman who is choosing to end the marriage. What’s causing this trend, and what can be done about it? On this Mad About Marriage episode Dr. Willard and Joyce Harley from Marriage Builders shed some light on this growing trend.

Lifestyle #10

Boundaries: When to Say Yes or No

Every relationship needs boundaries. Even married couples must learn when to say yes and when to say no. Psychologist Dr. Henry Cloud, author of Boundaries, has helped countless couples know what boundaries are and how to set them.

Lifestyle #14

How to Improve Your Marriage without Talking about it

We’ve often heard that communication is the key to a healthy marriage. But what about people who just don’t talk; either they don’t like to talk or they feel they don’t have the right words when they do talk. On this Mad About Marriage episode Steven Stosny, Ph.D. tells us that there is hope for the non-talkers. You CAN improve your marriage without talking.

Lifestyle #16

Who’s the Boss in Your Marriage

Is it possible for husband and wife to actually be equal partners in a relationship or is that idea simply a myth? In this Mad About Marriage episode Willie and Elaine Oliver discuss marriage partnerships, division of labor, and head-of-household concepts.

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