Lifestyle #26

The Starch Solution for Diabetes

Optimal Health is something we all look for, and our guest, Dr. John A. McDougall M.D., and his guest, Frank Gonzales, share how diet can change your health and your life through the Starch Solution.

Lifestyle #28

The Biggest Loser – Interview with “Big Vinnie” Hickerson

Tipping the scales at 450 pounds, Big Vinnie entertained fans for years with his surprising dance moves. But a recent health scare motivated him to join the cast of The Biggest Loser and drop over 200 pounds in a quest to get healthy. He joins us today to talk about that journey and the long-term health and mental effects of making these changes.

Lifestyle #35

Combating Childhood Obesity

We hear more and more about the alarming increase in childhood obesity. Today’s guest, Jessica Donze Black, project director from the Kids’ Safe and Healthful Foods Project, shares some ideas on how we can reverse this alarming trend.

Lifestyle #06

The Best Medicine There Is

More and more research is showing that eating the right foods is the best medicine you can do for your body. Dr. Matthew Lederman and Dr. John McDougall are guests on this episode that explain why this is true and what some of the best foods are for your continued good health. Both of these doctors are part of the Forks Over Knives documentary.

Lifestyle #22

The Balancing Act

Optimal female health is dependent on many factors, and Dr. Bob DeMaria shares how women can balance their ever-changing hormones through proper care and diet.

Lifestyle #29

The Health Power

A lively discussion with Dr. Hans Diehl and Dr. John McDougall on various health issues and how they can be alleviated or eliminated through proper dietary care and exercise.

Lifestyle #17

Guide to Optimum Health (Forks Over Knives)

It’s really very simple to get healthy and to stay that way, according to Dr. Alona Pulde and Dr. Matthew Lederman. They’re the authors of Keep It Simple, Keep It Whole: Your Guide to Optimum Health. Dr. John McDougall joins the discussion.

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