Irrefutable Evidence: Isolation Causes Disease

In this episode of “Irrefutable Evidence: Isolation Causes Disease,” host Roy Ice talks to Dr. Matthew Lederman and Dr. Alona Pulde about connection and its relationship to physical health. The renowned physicians from “Forks Over Knives” recently released a new book titled “Wellness to Wonderful”, which advocates for prioritizing connection with others and one’s authentic self. Drs Pulde and Lederman assert that connection is an essential component to optimizing physical health and reversing physical disease. Their groundbreaking health paradigm is built on the first pillar of SELF, which they assert is the foundational component of feeling fully alive and experiencing a state of joy.

A Radically Different Approach to Parenting

How can parents best meet the complex needs of their children in these complicated times? In this episode of “A Radically Different Approach to Parenting,” host Roy Ice talks with Kiva Schuler, founder of the Jai Institute for Parenting, about her new book “The Peaceful Parenting (R)evolution: Changing the World by Changing How We Parent” and a radically different approach to parenting, where we stop asking so many questions about how to get children to behave and examine our behaviors, expectations, and values as parents.

Hacks for Success Minded Moms

On this episode of the Podcast, Nikki Oden joins Roy Ice to talk about how to create a mom life you love and how to get off the Hot Mess Express — for good! Oden, a happy mom of two shares her story and insights on motherhood and the common struggles with harmonizing what they have to do with what they want to do. She provides realistic advice and life lessons on how to love your mom life and yourself a little more in her new book titled “But Definitely Wear Mascara: Hacks to Help You Love Your Mom Life.”

How Bicycles Are Destroying Human Trafficking

How can a bunch of bicycles help end human trafficking?
In this episode of the Podcast, Brad Ortenzi joins host Roy Ice to discuss his upcoming race to raise awareness for child trafficking.
Beginning on June 17, 2023, Ortenzi’s organization is undertaking a 3,000-mile, non-stop, transcontinental relay race from California to Maryland to help raise awareness of human trafficking and raise funds for the nonprofit, ZOE International. There is a diverse group of cyclists, including a detective who works with Homeland Security, a 6th-grade teacher, a bank president, two business owners, a research scientist, a project manager, and a land survey vice president, all united in this important cause.
The episode also explores Ortenzi’s backstory as a former undercover child exploitation investigator and how his experiences in Thailand led him to become involved in the fight against human trafficking with ZOE International. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in learning more about this important cause and how bicycles can play a role in making a difference.

How is the Media Making You Fight?

In this episode of the Podcast with Roy Ice, we delve into the topic of conflict and how the media is contributing to it. Our guests, Nolan Higdon & Mickey Huff, both professors and authors join us for a discussion on fake news, junk food news, and promoting constructive dialogue instead of destructive dialogue. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the anger and conflict in society, then this is the episode for you. Tune in to learn more about how the media is affecting our behavior and what we can do to combat it.


5 Ways To Build Your Child’s Self-Worth

What good parent doesn’t want their kids to be happy and successful? But how do we do that, exactly? We compliment and affirm, support them, tell them to chase their dreams, and teach them to live for something bigger than themselves. What else can we do? According to experts, we should teach them how to be…

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