Lifestyle #08

No Bad Days with JT “Jester” Mestdagh

We all have limitations, whether they be physical or otherwise. How often do we use those limitations as an excuse to give up on what seems too hard, and never reach our full potential? Well, today’s guest has not only overcome his own limitations, but has become an influential podcaster and bestselling author. Join us today as we welcome our special guest, JT Jester.

Lifestyle #02

Flexible Dieting with Alan and Jeana Aragon

Are you looking to lead a more healthy, active lifestyle, but don’t know where to begin? Researching diets and exercise routines can be a daunting task. How do you separate the fads from what will actually work for you? Join us today as we meet with nutrition and fitness expert, Alan Aragon and his wife Jeana and discuss how his investigation into science-based health is paving the way for the fitness movement.

Lifestyle #01

Surviving Breast Cancer with Reneé Lawless

Hope is something we all rely on at some point in our lives. But how do we stay hopeful when we’re faced with something as life-threatening as cancer? Singer and actress, Reneé Lawless is a woman who not only stayed hopeful in the wake of breast cancer but has used her experience to spread hope to others.


4 Best Foods To Eat When You Have The Flu

If you’re coming down with the flu or caring for someone suffering from it, then you’ll know how uncomfortable the whole ordeal is. This post from the CDC explains that the flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by viruses and can lead to fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headaches, and a runny nose. Since patients…

Lifestyle #04

Music and Healing with Jonathan Cilia Faro

Sometimes we face trauma in our lives that affects us in such a way that we’re changed forever. But today’s guest has used his own life trauma, to spread hope to tens of thousands of people, through his musical talents. Join us today, as we welcome professional musician and opera singer, Jonathan Cilia Faro.


Great Ways To Reduce Stress, Anxiety, And Worry

Avoiding problems is a band-aid approach to handling life’s challenges that makes things worse. According to Christina Smith, LMHC, “Avoidance is a maladaptive coping skill that offers the mind an escape from uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, and/or experiences. It may seem like avoiding discomfort could be helpful, however, it results in never addressing the actual issue….

Lifestyle #19

Bonding with the Byrds with Petri and Makita Byrd

The fear of losing a loved one, especially a spouse, is a harrowing experience. But today’s guest chose to battle what life’s thrown at them and share their inspiring story. This husband and wife duo both played a huge role in the hit show, Judge Judy. Join us today, as we chat with Petri Hawkins Byrd and his amazing wife, Makita.

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