Lifestyle #01

From Heart Transplant to Broken Miracle with Paul Cardall

Today, we’re going to be speaking to an artist who has given a new meaning to the phrase, a change of heart and how he used this radical change to take his music to an unexpected place.  Despite being born with a potentially life-threatening heart defect, our guest today, Paul Cardall, has become a world recognized pianist.

Lifestyle #21

Jaclyn Smith-Special

Today we are airing a fan favorite Lifestyle Magazine show from our archives. Our guest today, Jaclyn Smith, was made famous by her role in the iconic 1970s television series, Charlie’s Angeles. Not only has she been one of the most successful actresses in the history of television, she was one of the first women to build a business empire, and she’s done it all while raising a family. Free Offer: CareNotes pamphlet “Gaining the Strength to Deal With Breast Cancer” Offer Code: BREAST-T-F-401 Offer Description: Image result for gaining the strength to deal with breast cancer-CareNotes

Lifestyle #20

“Ed Asner – Special”

Today we are airing a fan favorite Lifestyle Magazine show from our archives.  Edward Asner is a legend who won Emmy awards playing a newspaper editor searching for the truth on TV.  We were so fortunate to have him on our show before his passing.  He joined us with his son Matt to share the truth they’ve learned from personal experience about autism. Free Offer: NIMH pamphlet “Autism Spectrum Disorder” Offer Description: The National Institute of Mental Health brochure informs parents and adults on the range of symptoms of autism spectrum disorders (ASD), including social impairment, communications issues, and repetitive behaviors. Discusses diagnosis and treatment of ASD, as well as possible related co-occurring mental disorders. Offer Code: AUTISM-T-F-401

Lifestyle #18

Blind Resilience

Today on Lifestyle Magazine, you are going to hear an incredible story of resilience, healing, and forgiveness. Janet Perez Eckles suffered a series of traumas starting with going blind in her early thirties, her husband leaving her twice, the murder of her youngest son and having to relive that horror daily through an almost endless and unfair court battle. Now, an international motivational speaker, she uses infectious passion for life to inspire others, to overcome their own challenges.

Lifestyle #17

Scheduling Anxiety Away

Today, to help us better understand anxiety, we are pleased to chat with Temple Grandin, professor, inventor, best-selling author and the first person to unveil insights from inside the autistic brain. She’ll be joined by Michael Leip, inventor of the Panda Planner, who overcame a series of health challenges by applying evidence-based strategies to become and stay happy. Featured Material  

Lifestyle #09

The Voice-Sandi Patty

Millions know five-time Grammy® Award winner Sandi Patty as “The Voice” as critics dubbed her due to her wide soprano vocal range. But what no one knew for most of her life was that she was sexually molested as a little girl. And off-stage, she struggled to have a voice at all. Finally speaking up for herself to help others, she’s here today to share her story with us.

Lifestyle #15

A Lifetime of Laughter with Rich Little

Today on Lifestyle Magazine we’re delighted to have Hollywood royalty. Even if you have never heard his own voice, you have heard the voice of your favorite stars from the man of a thousand voices and perhaps the most famous impressionist ever: Rich Little. Stay tuned – and call your friends to watch – because this episode is gonna be one for the ages!

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