
Take Charge of Your Happiness

What is happiness? People talk about it all the time, “I just want to be happy,” “you deserve to be happy.” It’s even in our Constitution, “pursuit of happiness.” According to the dictionary, one definition of happiness is “feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.” Everyone wants to be happier. And you can be. Consider these…


5 Ways To Remove Character Defects

Are you perfect? Me either. Have any flaws? Welcome to Earth. Everyone on this planet has character defects, also known as shortcomings that compromise their goals, dreams, and relationships. Identifying defects in our thoughts and behavior isn’t always easy because of the tendency to blame others or rationalize our actions. Common Character Defects offers…


Coping With Catastrophic Thinking

Catastrophic thinking is when a person continuously thinks about irrational, worst-case outcomes. Irrational thoughts and emotions replace logical thinking. And life becomes a cycle of repetitive worry. Catastrophic thinking causes: ● Difficulty concentrating ● Loss of sleep ● Added stress ● Increased anxiety ● Worsens existing mental health conditions Pandemics, political upheaval, social unrest, and…

Lifestyle #2909


Our guests today are actors Bill Hayes and Susan Seaforth Hayes. These daytime award-winning stars from Days of Our Lives share their stories about being married on television, but also in real life. This super couple talk about secrets that keep their marriage strong. Free Offer: Mantras For Marriage by Mike and Gayle Tucker Offer Code: MANTRA-P-F-401 Offer Description: Mike and Gayle Tucker share the “Mantras” or “slogans” that have become the guiding principle of successful marriages. Learn how to create a mantra that fits who you are as a couple and where you wish your relationship to be.

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